Sorry Ralph. I could have just as easily used Lola Moore or Puck Fordham or Gene Donaldson, or myself for that matter. But I knew you could handle it! The fact is, no one has asked me that question about Dr. West or any of this year’s speakers. But every month I get requests from talented men and women across the country to preach or present at Evangelism Council. So let me take a moment to explain the process.
Encounter. Equip. Explode.
If you look at the PELC logo you understand the overall flow of our 3 days together. On Sunday night and each night as we worship together, we want a supernatural encounter with God. That’s why we come to Huntsville. We want God to inspire and restore us. Leading God’s people is no easy task. So we pray and plan for worship services that will make dry bones live!
Our plenaries, workshops and boot camps are designed to equip us for effective ministry. We generally emphasize leadership themes on Mondays and evangelism is our focus on Tuesdays, but we are flexible. Our Wednesday boot camps have doubled in size and number and this year the line up is exceptional: Myron Edmonds, Seth Yelorda, Gordon Jones, Compton Ross, and Wesley Knight.
The highlight of the conference is the Tuesday night explosion. We still believe that it’s not by might, nor by power, but by God’s Spirit that the work will be finished. So we beg God to help us explode from our intimate time of prayer and worship with new power and vision for ministry.
PELC Theme
Each year before the last pastor has boarded a plane to leave Huntsville, the steering committee has already brainstormed and prayed that the Lord will give us His theme for the following year. Once the theme has been selected, it influences every decision we make from that point forward. From plenaries to preachers to presenters. The theme is what influences each selection. It’s the primary reason that some great presentations or preachers are not included on a particular year. It’s not personal, it’s the theme.
PELC Steering Committee
I’ll never forget the first time I was invited to preach at Evangelism Council. I was shaking hands with Elder E.E. Cleveland after one of his messages and he said, “ Young man, I want you to open up for us this year.” That was it. It wasn’t a question. It was a command. He was the committee! It doesn’t work quite like that today.
The steering committee is made up of approximately 30 members. The Director of the Office of Regional Conference Ministries, the Ministerial Directors of the N.A.D., Southern Union, and Regional conferences are on the committee. There are West Coast representatives and a large number of pastoral representatives from across the country. The most effective way to present at PELC is to have a talk with your Ministerial Director or any of the other members. Their names are listed each year in our program.
Special Presentations
Each year we try to be flexible and open to emerging issues or special events. It was great to have Senate Chaplain Barry Black speak to us last year on the impact his prayers were having on a nation in political gridlock. It was the talk of the nation so we made it a talk at PELC.
This year we will explore the significance of the 2015 General Conference to you and your ministry. Harold Lee and others will take us step by step through the process and major issues-including women’s ordination.
So I hope this gives you a better idea of how things come together at PELC. Don’t hesitate to let us know personally or through our surveys if you are interested in presenting. Every survey is read and each suggestion is noted. It’s not a perfect process, but what process is? God is moving and great things are happening. Register today and we’ll see you in December.