That roar you hear in the distance is PELC 2014! Our theme this year will be, “3:16.” I am absolutely convinced that this will be the most important PELC that we’ve ever conducted. Why? Because it is the most important theme that we’ve ever tackled. The Gospel in all of its dynamic dimensions.
Gifted presenters, theologians, and preachers will explore how indispensable the gospel is to our personal lives, our preaching, and our local ministries. More on the theme in the weeks to come.
This year we are welcoming Dr. Ralph West, the Senior Pastor of the Church Without Walls in Houston, Texas. With over 20,000 members in three locations, the church is on the cutting edge of urban ministry and evangelism. Dr. West is recognized as one of the most captivating pastors and preachers of this generation. We look forward to his time with us.
We need your help! Last year we introduced our PELC Service Awards. We recognized pastors and administrators who have served with distinction over the years. Our committee is in the process of choosing the individuals to be honored this year and we want your input. We are honoring individuals who have demonstrated effectiveness, innovation, and impact in the areas of: Pastoral Service, Evangelism, and Leadership.
We will honor at least one individual in each of those categories with a minimum of 25 years of service to the denomination. There are certainly gifted men and women with fewer years of service, but we’d like to begin with those pioneers who have paved the way for each of us. Click on this link if you would like to suggest a leader who has served with distinction over the years.
I want to introduce our committee and explain our process for developing themes and selecting preachers and presenters. Next time.
Jesse L. Wilson